Family Caregiver Support Services Program:  This program provides funding for services to caregivers of older adults age 60+ and grandparent caregivers. Services include home health aide, legal services, in home modifications, counseling and caregiver’s education.

Home Modifications (ramps): Provides residential home repair and maintenance services, primarily the installation of ramps, to a limited number of caregivers who are Essex County homeowners. ECDOSS Provider Agency: Life Management, Inc., Montclair 973-655-0300 

In-Home Counseling: Helps caregivers cope with the stress or isolation associated with caregiving or with the difficulties that may arise in relationships between caregivers and the family members they are caring for. Talking with a counselor may provide relief to caregivers who feel overwhelmed or depressed, those whose family member is refusing care or who find themselves becoming impatient with the person they are caring for.

ECDOSS Provider Agency: Family Connections, East Orange: 973-715-9756.